Showing posts with label Mission Monday. Show all posts

Giving It A Rest

Last Week was a total busy disaster. Work was extra crazy, flooding twice. And I had to help Brian with a weekend-long camp so I wasn't home for two days.  I ain't got time for this crap.

Last Week's Goals
1. Get all work done by Thursday night. (A) I practically died in the process. I worked about 200% of what I normally do in a week. But I did it.
2. Catch up on lettering challenges, even the weekend. (B) I kinda did this, but couldn't post much when I was helping Brian run a camp in the middle of nowhere. 
3. Organize my junk. (F) Didn't even attempt it. But I did just buy a 10-drawer plastic organizer. That should help when it arrives.

Next Week's Goals
1. Get some rest.
2. See some friends.
3. Eat something extra yummy.

Too Crazy To Handle

The past two days have been absolutely crazy. Kickoff Sunday at church had twice as many children as a usual Sunday, and I came home and crashed with exhaustion. When I woke from my nap I saw several missed calls from Brian- he had been in TWO fender-benders. Neither was his fault, but it still sucks sucks sucks. Then I did the grocery shopping by myself to try to have a nice surprise ready for him when he got home... and I bought bread from the bakery instead of the regular bread section. This morning we awoke to an outrageous ant infestation, because apparently bakery bread is not sealed very well. Then I got to work, and one entire building is completely destroyed by water damage. The ceiling tiles, the carpets, tons of electronics, thousands of dollars of curriculum I'd already spent hours sorting by grade and date. I didn't cry, but... I could have. I spent the whole day playing defense against the crumbling building, and then tried to get some work done out in a classroom trailer, but without a computer so it's extremely limiting. Then I got home and spent an hour on the phone with the bank, not for an emergency but just finally changing my name and putting Brian as a joint account holder, and getting us both new debit cards. So I'm totally exhausted and I don't to make any goals for this week or rate my goals from last week. But there's power in making yourself do what you don't wanna. SO here goes:

Last Week's Goals:
1. Clean this apartment. (B-) I cleaned the bathroom thoroughly, and the kitchen pretty well. I just didn't vacuum the living spaces but we'll survive.
2. Power through the extra work. (A) Oh my gosh I'm dying at work. There's still so much to do, and I gotta keep powering through til about Labor Day. Wish me luck. 
3. Find some lettering challenged, and keep them up. (B) I found three, and I kept them up until yesterday and today. I'll try to catch up.

This Week's Goals:
1. Get all work done by Thursday night. This one's going to be tricky, but not impossible. I have SO much to do, and the work just piled on with the flooding situation this morning. But Friday and Saturday I told Brian I'd help out with a major work function he's organizing, and I want to keep that promise. 
2. Catch up on lettering challenges, even the weekend. I'm already a day behind, and I won't have my lettering gear with me on Friday and Saturday. So I need to work in advance and hold posts. 
3. Organize my junk. When we first moved into our apartment, I had nicely purged away lost of junky stuff. But it's already accumulating again! I need to get rid of more craft supplies to make room for my lettering stuff, and find a better way to organize the office. 

Power Through

Last Week's Goals
1. Prep for Teacher Training. (A) it went great! Now I'm swamped with paperwork to say that they're all certified and background checked. 
2. Don't go to work on Friday or Saturday. (F) I forgot I had to be at the middle school lock-in Friday night, so I went to work for about 4 hours. 
3. Clean up the office and desk. (C) I cleaned it and it looked great... and now it looks just as terrible as before. Whoops!

This Week's Goals
1. Clean this apartment. I'm getting fed up by the little dirty things I haven't had time to tidy.
2. Power through the extra work. Today was grueling at work, and I barely made a dent in the big to-do list. I don't want to get too discouraged; I just wanna power though. 
3. Find some lettering challenged, and keep them up. I am obsessed with calligraphy now, so this will be pretty fun. 

Two Track Mind

Last Week's Goals

1. Get a new driver's license. (F) I ended up not having any days off work, so... this didn't work out. 
2. Go to the pool twice. (B-) I went once.
3. Eat veggies every day. (B) I think I did this but I cant totally remember.

This Week's Goals
I've been only zoning in on work lately, and I've let home life slip. I finally cleaned the toilet and it was gross. I've been relying on Brian to do more than half the household chores which I shouldn't make into a habit.
1. Prep for Teacher Training. I have to make a big presentation to all the volunteers to get them ready for the school year.
2. Don't go to work on Friday or Saturday. Fridays and Saturdays are supposed to be my "weekend" but I actually haven't taken them off the past two go-rounds. I running on low.
3. Clean up the office and desk. It's where I do all my lettering and watercolors, and it s a total disaster zone. 

Simple Goals

Last Week's Goals:
Last week was crazy. Exhausting. Stressful. Fun. And now Mission Week is over... For the next year.
1. Don't get sunburnt, and don't let kids get sunburnt. (B) I got sunburnt on one shoulder, but none of the kids got burnt badly. 
2. Eat breakfast everyday. (B) I did eat everyday but it was like... peanut butter crackers and a granola bar. So not great. 
3. Go to bed by 9:30. (A+) Yeah I was asleep by 9 or earlier every day.

This week's Goals:
Keeping it simple!

1. Get a new driver's license. I finally got a new social security card with my new last name. Gotta get the license to match. Then I gotta let my bank and insurance and workplace know... gosh its a never-ending process.
2. Go to the pool twice. Summer is ending. I'm so sad. I'm also so pale. 
3. Eat veggies every day. I got real bad last week. I planned junk food for the kids for lunch every day so that they wouldn't complain, but that mean I had to eat it too! I don't even like hot dogs and pizza and chicken nuggets that much, ugh. Wasted greasy calories. 

Mission Monday

Last Week's Goals:
1. Post twice a day on @whateverletters Instagram. (A) Did it. Still loving this side project.
2. Letter envelopes. (A) Sent them off on Friday
3. Get up at 7am each day. (A) I had basically no choice. It was a cray week and this week will be more cray.

This Week's Goal's:
Every Monday is called "Mission Monday" on this blog, where I go over my mission for the week and discuss whether last week's mission was accomplished. But this week in particular is aptly named Mission Monday because it's the start of Mission Week at church. I'm taking 20 preteens on two mission-themed field trips every single day. I might die, or I might not. We'll see.
1. Don't get sunburnt, and don't let kids get sunburnt. We're doing a lot of projects outside. When I was a camp counselor, it was a terrible sin to let your kids get sunburnt, because it loses the trust of parents. 
2. Eat breakfast everyday. I know I'm going to be rushing out the door and constantly preoccupied. 
3. Go to bed by 9:30. Seriously our week is going to be exhausting and I think this will be an easy goal. 

Applause, Please

Last Week's Goals went crazy well!
1. Enjoy dinners. (A) Did pretty fine at this. We cooked a couple fun things like quinoa pizza and a couple quick simple things like spaghetti.
2. Start a Lettering Instagram. (A+) Done. And I'm enjoying it! I don't know why I chose the name Whatever Letters, but you can follow along at @whateverletters if you'd like. 
3. Go to the pool twice. (A) We went three times! And we discovered that the pool is totally empty in the mornings because all the loud obnoxious teenagers in our neighborhood sleep in til noon.

This Week's Goals:
1. Post twice a day on @whateverletters Instagram. I think my new insta is off to a good start. I'm having fun with it and still figureing out how I like editing my photos though. 
2. Letter envelopes. I got my first wedding "calligraphy" envelope order last week! I should receive all the envelopes tomorrow in the mail and need to get 50 envelopes addressed by Friday. I'm excited!
3. Get up at 7am each day. This coming week I have a lot to do in preparation for the next week, which will be insanely busy. Gotta be the early bird and catch those worms!

Enjoying Little Things

Last Week's Goals
 1. Plan Camp. (B) I got a lot planned and sorted out and I ordered t-shirts. Just gotta get the rest of the supplies and order tickets to the water park!
2. Go to the pool twice. (C) Totally forgot this was a goal until just now. I went once.
3. Watch less TV. (C) We did okay throughout the week and really well on Saturday. Once we even played Jenga instead of watching TV. But Saturday was so exhausting that we recovered by watching an overload of Downton Abbey on Sunday, so I feel like a bum again.

This Week's Goals
1. Enjoy dinners. I've been getting annoyed by cooking so much so often. But this week I picked out a couple new interesting healthy recipes and I'm gonna do my best to enjoy the cooking process, which makes the eating process even more rewarding.
2. Start a Lettering Instagram. I think I might be addicted to calligraphy, brush lettering, and watercolor lettering. But I don't like posting my stuff on my Instagram feed, for fear of annoying my followers. I'll take a note from Kelli's book and start a separate account.
3. Go to the pool twice. I enjoy lounging around on my couch... why not get some vitamin D while I'm laying like a statue?

Full Bloom

Last Week's Goals

1. Plan the other camp. (C) Last week was busier than I thought it'd be so I didn't get as much done as I wanted. But I planned our meals and I am almost done ordering t-shirts with final numbers, so that's something. 
2. Practice lettering again. (A) I got a cute giant journal for $4 at Tuesday Morning and I've practices lettering every day. 
3. Watercolor something. (A) I watched a million instagram tutorials and attempted to copy. A couple of my flowers turned out pretty, and I tried to scan them as clip-art with transparent backgrounds This is the so-so result:

This Week's Goals:
1. Plan Camp. now that our first church daycamp is over I need to really focus on the next one coming up. It's starting to get really overwhelming.
2. Go to the pool twice. I need to enjoy the quiet little pool in our apartment complex while I can! Also I'd like to not be so ghostly pale.
3. Watch less TV. I annoy myself when I realize at the end of the day I watched 2 hours of TV but spent no time exercising or reading. The TV is just a really easy way that Brian and I can unwind and casually chat for a couple hours before bed, but I want to find better ways to do that, like taking a walk or cooking together. 

Back in the Saddle

Last Week's Goals:
1. Get all crafts organized for VBS. (A+) Crafts are going great.
2. Learn all the words and dance moves and skits for VBS. (A-) It's fine, I'm fine, it's fine.
3. Get to work by 8am each day. (C) It probably averaged out to be about 8:00 or 8:15. My schedule is so what these days sometimes I'm coming to work at 7:00 and sometimes 9:00.

This Week's Goals:
Vacation Bible School is finally in motion and it's actually running smoothly. So now that my mornings are consumed by VBS but my afternoons are not, I wanna get back in the saddle with a few things:
1. Plan the other camp. This is the most daunting task by far. The summer day camp I run at church is in only 3 weeks. I have kids signed up, willing volunteers, and a rough outline of each days' mission activity excursion. But I have to order supplies and figure out meals, which is not my strong suit.
2. Practice lettering again. I put a hold on lettering because of the worst excuse ever: I ran out of paper in my cheap scrap paper journal. I think I'll run by the dollar store today and get the most paper I can so I can practice lettering again.
3. Watercolor something. Five days ago, Brian's family came over to see the new apartment. So I cleaned up all my water coloring supplies and haven't touched them since. Time to take over the dining table again!

Very Busy Season

Two weeks ago, my goals:
1. Eat healthy. (C) Well I definitely am eating healthier than when I set this goal right after vacation, but I'm still never saying no to a sweet treat in my path. Gotta get better. We did learn how to roast garbanzo beans, which is turning out to be a delicious alternative to snacking on chips before bed. 
2. Sleep more. (A-) I'm pretty good at getting enough sleep, since we are usually fast asleep by 11pm and I don't have to get out of bed til about 7:45. But a couple nights I slept terrible, then took naps in the day, then slept terribly at night again... still needing a little recovery. 
3. No unnecessary expenses. (B) Out of two whole weeks I only spent $21 extra dollars. It was on craft supplies and one trip to the coffee shop. So typical of me. 

This week, my goals:
This week at work is chaos because next week is Vacation Bible School! In case you missed this face- I work in a very large Children's Ministry. VBS is definitely our biggest and most complicated event of the year. This last week before the big show is such a whirlwind, and we're now insisting that "VBS" stands for "Very Busy Season."
1. Get all crafts organized for VBS. Getting all the supplies pre-cut, counted, sorted, etc is no easy feat for 500 kids x 2 crafts per day x 4 days. I have a volunteer team coming tomorrow for three hours, but whatever they don't finish I'm all on my own to get done.
2. Learn all the words and dance moves and skits for VBS. This keeps slipping to the back burner and I haven't even started. But the joke will be on me if I don't learn this stuff, since I have to stand on stage and teach song and dance and Bible stories to hundreds of kiddos. 
3. Get to work by 8am each day. My boss is usually pretty flexible since I have to sometimes work non-traditional hours. Sometimes I come in at noon and work til 8:30pm, sometimes I work a normal day, sometimes I have to work 5am to 1pm. So I always keep my own flexible schedule, but this week I have to keep myself coming in early so that I don't get stuck here late at night. 

Straight and Narrow Path to Recovery

Last Week's Goals:

1. Get all of my usual work done by Wednesday at noon. (A-) I got almost everything done by noon, then finished up a few last things and left work by 4. So I beat rush hour and had extra time to get in the zone before traveling. 
2. Pack, check-in, and time out our travel times ahead of time. (A+) Everything worked out perfectly. We parked at an off-site lot and took a shuttle to the airport. We got to the airport at 4:45am, security opened at 5am, we got through security by 5:20, bot to our gate and got coffee by 6am, and boarded the plane ay 6:20. Also, by some miracle I packed the perfect suitcase. I used every single article of clothing, and the only thing I lacked was one more pair of socks.
3. Be wise but not stingy with money. (B) I think we did a reasonable job, but it's hard to find the balance between one or two good fun splurges versus spending way way too much. 

Next Week's Goals:
It's all about recovery here! We ate unhealthy food, slept very little, and spent more money than usual. Time to balance. 
1. Eat healthy. I just spent five days straight eating delicious fattening foods. Brian and I just went to the grocery store and got tons of fresh healthy stuff to make up for it.
2. Sleep more. This goal will be easy once I make it back to my routine. I normally get over 8 hours every night, but on our recent trip to Seattle we were getting close to just 5 or 6 hours thanks to jet lag and a noisy barking puppy. 
3. No unnecessary expenses. May was such an expensive month. Moving to a new apartment is crazy expensive (administration fee, deposit, truck rental, etc.) and even though our vacation was really reasonable it was still much more than just staying home. 

Don't Freak Out

Happy Monday! This past week my head was completely spinning with so much to do, moving to a new apartment. This upcoming week will be busy and crazy too, and I want to make sure my head doesn't keep spinning.

Last Week's Goals:
1. Clean all the blinds, windows, and baseboards. (C) I didn't do the baseboards or the outside or the windows. 
2. Totally organize the new kitchen efficiently. (A) We moved into a smaller kitchen with fewer cabinets and no pantry, but we managed to still have two empty cabinets!
3. Put up shelves in the bathroom. (A) Brian did a great job, and I got some cute little storage bins from Target to keep our stuff in. I was so worried since our bathroom had no place for our towels... but it's perfect!

This Week's Goals:

1. Get all of my usual work done by Wednesday at noon. Thursday I'm taking a vacation day and going on a trip to visit my brother, so I don't my usual duties to be stressing me out. 
2. Pack, check-in, and time out our travel times ahead of time. It's a terrible feeling when you have to haphazardly throw together a suitcase and then you're stuck with mismatched, poorly planned clothes. I've done that a few too many times before going to visit my grandparents. I'm going to get my suitcase packed for chilly weather with plenty of time to spare.
3. Be wise but not stingy with money. We're going on a trip! It's gotta be fun! I don't want us to worry about money constantly, but I also don't want to splurge way too much. My brother scored our plane tickets for $11 each, so our only expenses will be airport parking and 5 days of food, which is an awesome blessing and we should enjoy it. 

The Big Clean Move

Last Week's Goals:
1. Pack, Pack, Pack. (A) We packed EVERYTHING except our clothes and the kitchen. Because we still need to use those things every day up til we finally officially live in the new place.
2. Reorganize and purge my craft supplies. (A+) It's so organized and it's about half the amount I used to have.
3. Set up Gas, Electricity, Internet. (A+) Actually Brian did all three of those things, so that was a really easy thing to check off the list :)

This Week's Goals:

I am so excited to finally get this move over with. Sunday morning we'll turn in the keys to our old place and finally officially only have one home again. I have a few days left in which Brian and I are slowly bringing over all the small stuff to the apartment, so I want to take advantage of this time before we get our furniture in place:
1. Clean all the blinds, windows, and baseboards.
2. Totally organize the new kitchen efficiently. 
3. Put up shelves in the bathroom. 

New Set of Keys

I have been avoiding writing this little blog post all day. But now my husband is on his way home from his softball game and he'll say, "Hey what's up? What'd you do while I was gone?" And I can't say, "Nothing," so I need to actually do something. The clock is ticking.

Last Week's Goals:
1. Eat more veggies. (B) This goal went okay. We ate a bunch of veggies and had plenty of veggie leftovers, but there were two days when we just ate Chinese chicken and rice, and no veggies, so that was a flop. 
2. Clean my car. (A) I'm impressed with myself. took all the boxes in my trunk to Goodwill finally, and I vacuumed the floor and mats pretty darn well. The outside is still nasty, but I wasn't really planning on tackling that this week anyway.
3. Write my posts ahead of time. (F) I didn't get any posts written ahead of their actual posting date. 

This Week's Goals:
In honor of moving week, and finally getting to see our new apartment, I searched for a stock photo of keys, and most of them were of old-timey skeleton keys, which really tickled me for some reason and I can't explain why. I guess I briefly imagined moving into a medieval cellar or something like that. 

1. Pack, Pack, Pack. This Saturday we get the keys to our new apartment! Finally! We're pumped but I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed by all our stuff. 
2. Reorganize and purge my craft supplies. Normally I'm not toooooo bad of a pack rat. But when it comes to craft supplies, I have the hardest time throwing stuff away. Right now my supplies are taking over our computer desk and I have a big overflowing box in a spare bedroom. I need to pair it down to one good small organized stash.
3. Set up Gas, Electricity, Internet. This chore has been looming over us for a while, and now we actually have to do it. We need to get the basics set up in our apartment to make sure it's livable. 

Healthier Habits

Last week's goals:

1. Make a moving plan. (A-) I've made so many lists it's unreal. I've priced out the rental truck options and mapped our route. I know exactly which furniture we can take ahead of time in our cars, and which pieces will wait for the big moving day. I haven't started investigating utilities though. 
2. Figure out lunch. (B) The is was still in a rut for a few days, and I just made myself eat leftovers... but this week I'm so excited about lunch. I bought myself some large tortillas and I'll try to get creative with them. Today I ate a pepperoni, arugula, ranch wrap. I loved it and wished I'd packed it fuller. Tomorrow I'll use some leftover chicken, arugula, and honey mustard... the possibilities are endless!
3. Pay attention to the news. (B-) I kinda know what's going on now but I've already lost interest. It's basically the same headlines over and over.

This Week's Goals:

1. Eat more veggies. At the grocery store we went kinda wild with the produce section so I'm off to a great start. Hopefully we can eat a couple different greens daily, and lots of fruit.
2. Clean my car. Several weeks ago I tried to vacuum out my car, and I discovered that my floor mats were basically velcro and all the tiny leaves and hair and debris would not come out. Time to actually figure out a better way. Also I've had several boxes of stuff in my trunk for a month that needs to go to Goodwill. 
3. Write my posts ahead of time. I've accidentally made it a ritual to post on the blog sometime between dinner and bedtime. Even though that's usually fine, it does consistently stress me out a little. I want to get one day ahead of real-time posts so that I never have that nagging feeling, and get back to enjoying this here blog. 

Becoming Mindful

Last Week's Goals:

1. Don't stress over going out to eat. (A) We ate out, we enjoyed, we didn't go crazy.
2. Leave work at 5pm every day. (A) Not hard to convince me to stick with that habit.
3. Invent a couple new outfits. (C) I tried once, I paired red corduroy pants with a chambray shirt, and it looked okay. But then we were meeting my parents for dinner and my mom wanted to eat outside to I layered on another sweater and it totally ruined the outfit and I did not take a picture.
4. Drink coffee whenever I feel like it. (A) I drank coffee on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. It was nice.

This Week's Goals:
I'm taking steps this week to be more mindful. I need to think deeply about our short term plan, my eating habits, and the world around me. 

1. Make a moving plan. We're moving out of our house soon and I want to think through the logistics enough to be confident we're doing things efficiently with our time, money, and effort. I'll pack a few boxes and figure out what I can take over early and what needs to wait for the rental truck.
2. Figure out lunch. Lately I've been in a total lunch slump. Sometimes I just take crackers and a banana to work. Without fail, I'm left feeling hungry and annoyed with myself. 
3. Pay attention to the news. Brian keeps CNN on constantly. It's on right now. I used to pay attention but over time I've started to completely tune it out. I just learned that Kasich hasn't dropped out yet. 

Celebrate Good Times

This is my 103rd blog post! I got so wrapped up in the day-to-day that I didn't even realize when I rolled over the big 1-0-0. Happy hundred to me :)

Last week's goals:

1. Practice lettering every day. (A) I did it every day except yesterday, and I had a lot of fun, doodling and squiggling out letters. A very calming new hobby... maybe I'll keep it up.
2. Start packing and purging. (A+) We did so well. We took a packed carload of stuff to Goodwill, we threw away a bunch of stained and outworn junk, and re returned a bunch of stuff that actually belongs to my parents. I think we literally purged about 20% of the stuff in our whole home. 
3. Clean every floor. (B) I did pretty well, except the vacuum cleaner was giving me trouble and I never got to vacuum our bedroom. I think the rotating spinner-brush mechanism thingy is broken. Whatever. 

This week's goals:

Celebrate good times! Brian and I have a lot to be thankful for this week. We think we'll sign a lease to our new apartment, The Mindy Project comes back on TV, Kimmy Schmidt comes back on Netflix, I somehow managed to post every day for 103 days straight so far, it's my BFF's birthday, it's Brian's BFF's birthday, fresh corn is back in season, the list goes on. This week my goals are about enjoying this happy week:
1. Don't stress over going out to eat. We limit ourselves on eating out and we usually fret over how much we spend. But this is a week to celebrate our friends and celebrate our new home. We're going to dinner Friday at a new restaurant for my friend Paige's birthday and we're not going to care that it costs money because its fine. We're responsible and it's okay to spend a little extra on something extra special.
2. Leave work at 5pm every day. Usually about twice a week I get caught up at work and get sucked into a vortex of emails and lesson plans and crafts that lasts later than it should. Not this week. I'm going to make sure I come home to relax on time. 
3. Invent a couple new outfits. Isn't it always kind of satisfying when you look in your closet and put a few pieces together that you never before realized could go well together? It's the little things that give you a little extra reason to be happy in the morning.
4. Drink coffee whenever I feel like it. I usually only drink coffee once or maybe twice a week because I really don't want to get addicted. But I like the way it tastes and feels, even if I don't feel like I need it in order to wake up. I will not deny myself coffee this week.

Slow and Steady

Last weeks goals went pretty okay, if you ask me to judge for myself:

1. Spend under $30 on groceries, and no other money at all. (B)
I could have made this goal an A+ if I was into being a stickler for the rules. On Monday I spent $22 measly dollars in groceries, and those groceries lasted us through Saturday morning. I could have used those last 8 dollars to make a trip to the grocery just make a casserole that would last us Saturday and Sunday... but I decided it'd be a waste of time to go to the grocery and not do our "real shopping," so I already spent our whole grocery budget for the next week. 
2. Edit a bunch of footage I shot last weekend. (B) I am SO close to being done. It's a lot of footage of us giggling at nothing really. Chiseling away, will upload this week. 
3. Start registration for my summer camp. (A+) Registration opened, sign-ups hit me like a truck, and my camp is already halfway full. I'm getting excited. I put on this camp last year, not knowing very many kids or parents since I was new to the job. This year I feel much more prepared, confident, and excited since I know the kiddos already. 

This week I just want to take it slow and steady:
1. Practice lettering every day. I recently followed a bunch of calligraphers on Instagram for no reason other than their mesmerizing little videos of beautiful letters practically falling out of their brush pens. I've tried, and I'm getting better, but I haven't invested enough time to feel very proud of what I can produce.
2. Start packing and purging. Brian and I have to move in about six weeks. There's plenty of stuff I can pack up that we won't miss in the next few weeks (like, everything christmas, our yearbooks, board games, my collection of vases, etc). I also want to take a few loads of stuff to Goodwill. Better now than later.
3. Clean every floor. We keep our house very tidy, so it never "feels" dirty, which allows me to go weeks between vacuuming. Gross, I know, okay, stop it. This week I'll do a few rooms every day, and then the whole house will have been swept, mopped, or vacuumed. 

The Responsible Thing to Do

Last week's goals went okayish. 
1. Take advantage of down time at work. (B+) Every day I felt like I got a lot done, but I still am less than halfway to recruiting all fifty Subday School teachers I need for next year. 
2. Drink two water bottles at work daily. (C) I drank more water than usual but I never once managed to actually finish off the second water bottle before dinner. 
3. Plan a super fun Friday! (A+) Friday was completely fun- we went to TopGolf and we cooked enchiladas and had a game night. 

I've got GOALS for this week that I actually really do want to complete. I will feel so responsible with my time and money if I can accomplish all this:

1. Spend under $30 on groceries, and no other money at all. I spent an annoying amount of money last weekend because Sara was visiting and we wanted to do fun things. Gotta make up for it somewhere. We usually spend $70 a week on groceries, but we have a couple freezer meals stocked up so hopefully we will survive by just buying basics (coffee, apples, goldfish, can't-live-without kinda stuff). 
2. Edit a bunch of footage I shot last weekend. I used to shoot videos all the time and I was notorious for procrastinating the heck out of editing. It's pretty fun but it's also easy for someone to get sucked into a black hole of perfectionism. 
3. Start registration for my summer camp. By far the biggest duty in my job description is the missions themed summer day camp I put on for preteens. I've gotten our projects sorted out and I need to start signup and recruit chaperones.