Kindergarten Forever

Remember a few years ago when I wanted to be a high school math teacher?
Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.

Anyway, now that we've all gotten some laughs out, let me talk about my love for Kindergarteners. 5 and 6 years old is the absolute best age. They're sweet, adorable, and cute. They still really want to make their friends and their teachers happy of them. They're developing a slightly more mature sense of humor than pre-schoolers, and finally not every joke is about poo-poo. They still fit in your lap, and they still love hugs. They lose their front teeth and hav'ent completely grown out of little speech impediments. They're old enough to not have major meltdowns over the tiniest things, but they still cry when their feelings are hurt and it's kinda cute actually. One day, if I ever don't work at a church anymore and I'm just a regular normal church member, I'm going to volunteer to teach Kindergarten Sunday School.

This past Wednesday, the youth group had their musical/play performance, and it was really great, but it was mostly serious with only a few funny parts, so the kids I was sitting with were antsy. I don't have favorites but.... I was sitting with my favorite Kindergarten kid and we were playing a game where I use my finger to draw letters on his back and he guesses what letter it was. It kept him quiet and entertained for a full hour and it kept him climbing over the balcony railing and falling 20 feet in the sanctuary. He was being good and quietly whispering... but he was cracking me up so badly that I couldn't stop laughing loudly at him. Whoops! Here's a peek into our conversations:

So for Foto Friday, here's this awesome kid:

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