Sick Day

I used to categorize myself as "one of those people who basically never gets sick."

Truth: I don't get sick very severely or for very long, which is an amazing blessing I should never take for granted. 
Another truth: I get little sick several times a year and ignore it or "power through it," which is a terrible idea. 

Today I actually had to stay home from work with a throbbing throat and low fever. Honestly I should have stayed home yesterday when my body was giving me the initial signs, but I had too much to do, tried to work through it, and ended up worse off this morning. Who was I kidding when I had a fever yesterday and I decided I could act like everything was cool, casual, normal, according to plan? Man was I a dummy.

In college I went to class and completed projects when I was "just a tiny bit sick" all the time. I probably most definitely should not have contaminated those classrooms with my germs. Only once was I sick enough to admit I had to miss class, and I felt like it was a dumb excuse for missing class. I'm learning to value my body more. It's communicating with me, not purposefully trying to hinder me. It's yelling at me what it needs: Advil, hot tea, soup, and bananas. I can listen and respond accordingly OR I can continue being a dummy and making myself worse. 

1 comment

  1. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well! But I'm glad you're listening to your body's signals to slow down and rest.. Praying for a speedy recovery.
