Do Not Fear

Stuff scares me all the time. I startle incredibly easily, I cover my eyes during the intense parts of movies, and I refuse to squash bugs and spiders because I'm certain they'll somehow retaliate. Talking on the phone, talking to strangers, trying new foods, turning left at an intersection without a green arrow... All things that terrify me.

But that's stupid. And if you're scared of stuff too, that's pretty stupid.

The only think that logically makes sense for us to fear is death. The end. But we don't even have to fear that, because death isn't death anymore. On Easter, I actually got to go to worship and listen to the sermon (very rare for me-- children's ministry problems) and our pastor made a sort of joke about death but I forget how he set it us and I forget the punchline. So I'll tell you the premise and the point but it won't be a funny joke anymore- sorry!

Here's what his joke said (except it was somehow funny)...
All the time we look forward to sleep. It's calming, not difficult, painless, and we were created for it. We go about our day, knowing we will eventually get to sleep at night, and we definitely don't worry about it in any way. And that's how we should feel about death.

SO the only thing that's "worthy" of our fear is actual death.
BUT we can reclaim death as a victory.
SO really there's nothing to fear ever ever ever ever ever ever ever.

The Bible tells us the reason we shouldn't be afraid is because we've been redeemed and we belong to God. We belong to God. We belong to God. Why the heck should we be afraid of anything, least of all death?

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