He is Risen? What?!

Happy Easter! 
Today is the most wonderful reason to celebrate: our Lord Jesus conquered death after he suffered in our place! Forgiveness like that is insane to wrap your mind around. 

We went to church this morning and helped put in the three-year-olds' class, which reminded me of a couple sweet stories about kids learning Easter. 

Last year on Easter Sunday, I was teaching the four-year-olds' class. We had already colored a picture of an empty tomb, read the Bible storybook about Easter, and we were watching a cute video about Easter too. A sweet little guy sat in my lap during the video and he was attentive to the screen. The storyteller arrived at the climax of the story, saying something like, "The tomb was empty! Jesus had come back to life!" The little boy turned around to me, flabbergasted, and yelled, "What?!?!?!?!? How did he do that?!?!?!" 

Just last week I was reviewing Easter  with a small group of kids. A second grader and fourth grader were taking turns saying a little bit of the story at a time. The second grader said like, "Unfortunately Jesus was very badly hurt by people and eventually he died with nails in his hands, and they put him in a tomb." The fourth grader had obviously heard the story a million times before and robotically added, "Yeah, and a couple days later, he shows up, and it turns out he had tricked us all, and he was only sleeping!" When we gently corrected him, clarifying that Jesus really died and returned to life, he was totally floored. His jaw literally dropped open and he quietly gasped, "How?"

May we all be as enchanted as those two kiddos were by Jesus each time we remember his triumph over death. 

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