Okay so on our third day in Seattle, Brian and I woke up feeling awful. We hadn't gotten much sleep (jet lag and noisy puppy) and we had been walking constantly for two days straight. So we woke up feeling pretty dang crappy.
We made blueberry muffins and bacon for breakfast and then we went to The Museum of Flight. I think the museum was probably awesome but honestly I felt like a zombie and spent most of the visit sitting on the bench next to some grandpas who couldn't keep up with their grandkids. The museum has everything you could want to learn about airplanes and space exploration.
Then I complained enough that my brother let us leave the museum. We went to a Mexican restaurant. I ordered a chicken quesadilla but it was way too spicy and I was crying and sweating. So Brian graciously traded with me and I happily ate his black bean burrito, which was wonderfully mild. I think it was a good trade for both of us.
Then we came back to my brothers' house and I took a FOUR HOUR NAP. I felt like a new person afterward. We cooked chicken and cheesecake for dinner. We watched TV and turned in early (praise God).
The next morning Nathan took us to another farmers market to walk around and wait for our brunch restaurant to open. It was beautiful and k kept asking Brian if we can please please please please move to Seattle.
We had a tasty brunch, chatted a good chat, then he dropped us of at the airport. We waited for hours and hours and then got on a plane and sat for hours and then got on a shuttle and then got in our car and then we got home! It was 2am and we were totally loopy. Overall we loved our trip to Seattle. We love Matlock and Nate and their dog Mickey and the beautiful state of Washington.