Redefine Perfect

Today at work, the internet was down. I couldn't reach email or any of my documents saved on our communal drive. So... I didn't get a lot of work done, but I did get to slowly write my Sunday School lesson plans and think about them more than usual, so that was nice.

I had a funny thought, and tweeted about it, and I've still been thinking about it all day. I even mentally wrote this entire blog post for Pep Talk Tuesday, relating to that tweet. So now it's 9:45 at night and I just realized I never physically wrote that blog post yet. Let me get it all out in writing now.

Ok so Jesus was just perfect. Sinless, kind, brilliant, and funny. But also, he was completely fully human, just like us. Just like us.  So I think he made real little honest mistakes too. Probably when he was learning to memorize the Torah as a 8 year old, he didn't automatically get it on his first try. Probably when he was chopping firewood for his mama, he accidentally smashed his thumb. Probably he absentmindedly called one of his good friends the wrong name even though he knew their correct name. Probably he tripped on something once.

This statue of Facepalm Jesus is further evidence he could have made some minor honest mistakes in life:

When Jesus lived on earth, I think he was living in a totally average body. That's like a major point of God becoming human- he was just like us, and somehow even more can fully know us because of that. So I don't think he had a photographic memory and super-strength. I think he had a very average brain and body, and although he never sinned, he probably made little mistakes. Probably. I'm guessing. (I hope I'm not going to hell for this post.)

So yes, Jesus was perfect. And yes, I think Jesus likely made little mistakes. So give yourself a break for goodness's sake! If you forget your computer password at work and have to call IT for them to reset it, fine! You are still doing perfect. If you left your backpack on the ground, and then stub your toe on it, that's fine! You're still doing perfect. If you keep a good attitude and don't let your heart become bitter, you're still doing perfect.

Disclaimer: Obviously you and I are not completely perfect, because we can often accidentally be greedy or mean or rude or whatever. So we aren't perfect and we should try to be more like Christ. But the point of this pep talk is that when you make little mistakes and own up to them, or if you are late from traffic, or you burn your tongue on coffee, that's no reason to get yourself down. Jesus probably did it too.

1 comment

  1. YES. I've been thinking about this all day (since you tweeted it), too. Remembering that Jesus' perfection didn't necessarily exempt him from honest mistakes is such a freeing thought! Like, I didn't even realize that I equated making mistakes with inherently bad behaviors until I read your tweet. I mean, I've never assumed that other people who make mistakes are bad because of that, but when I make a dumb mistake, I sometimes get discouraged and feel less valuable. does that makes sense? anyway, thanks. you are so wise.
