My Mama

Today is Mother's Day. We went to brunch with my mom and dad. And wouldn't you know it, my mama and I showed up wearing nearly identical dresses.

Every day I'm more and more like her, and every day I'm more and more okay with that. 

Today at brunch when we arrived we looked at the whole buffet line. Be KNOW our brunch buffets- you gotta survey before you attack. Prioritize. Anyway when we arrived we saw the dessert table was decked out with like six options so we were looking forward to that. 

And then we each ate a brunch plate of breakfast, a plate of salad, and a plate of lunch. Then we went back over to the dessert table, and the only thing left was peach cobbler. Honestly Brian and I were a little relieved because it made t way easier to pass on dessert. But my mom would not let it go. She complained to the manager, which is just so embarrassing. And then he brought her over FIVE different desserts. A slice of chocolate cake, key lime pie, carrot cake, cheesecake, and somethings else we couldn't tell. 

So maybe I'm getting to be a lot like my mom but I really hope I never complain to a manager enough to get handed five desserts.

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