The Personality of a Sneeze

Sneezes tell a lot about someone's personality.

I sneeze whenever I walk out into some sunshine, which goes along with my whole what-as-a-sheet, possibly-a-vampire thing. My sneezes stay up in the top of my nose, if that makes sense, and people sometimes ask me, "Are you okay? Was that a sneeze?" Brian always tells me not to hold in my sneezes, but I'm really not trying to; that's just how I normally naturally regularly sneeze. I also usually sneeze three to five times in a row, which matches my characteristic of almost exclusively listening to songs on repeat.

In my 9th grade math class, there was a outgoing, tall, slim, popular, acts-ditzy-but-actually-smart girl whose sneezes literally sounded like she was screaming the word achoo. She got detention for sneezing because it sounded so fake, but honestly it was real. The whole class would laugh at her and she always looked 35% embarrassed and 65% unfazed.

My college roommate sneezes very forcefully and always apologizes afterward. My old roommate is awesome, headstrong, and ambitious just like her sneezes. But also she's also highly considerate of other people and she consistently prioritizes others' needs over her wants. Like, how dare she make me listen to her loud sneeze, of course she would apologize for that.

When my family's dog sneezes, his entire head shakes like someone is vigorously twisting a locked doorknob. He is the most timid, terrified, shakey, whiney dog in the world, so this makes sense.

About a year into dating, Brian told me, "you sneeze like your mom." And my own personality is slowly but surely morphing into my mom's as well.

P.S. I'm noticing my interpretation of Storytime Sunday is turning more into "random thoughts with a few story-like elements in them"... It doesn't really bother me, and I hope it doesn't bother you either.


  1. It doesn't bother me! I love your Sunday posts.

    Now I'm wondering what my sneeze is like & how it would match my personality.. I've never really thought about it before.

    1. Send me a selfie video of a sneeze and I will predict your life like a palm reader. I am a sneeze reader.

  2. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my sneezes/my personality/the personality type of my sneeze.

    I love reading your Everyday thoughts!

    1. Hah I was wondering if you'd see this. Remember when people would sign yearbooks in elementary school, "Don't change" (which is terrible advice)... well I'm signing your metaphorical yearbook, "Don't change your sneeze."
