"Teaching is Easy," says Dummy

"When-I-Was-A-Dummy Wednesday" is turning into one of my favorite weekly tags to write about. Because, well, I've been a dummy about a lot of things. Inspiration is not hard to find here.

When I was a junior in high school, I was stressed about college and AP classes, and I told my mom, "I want to go to an easy college and I want to be a kindergarten teacher. That'll be easy. I don't have to really learn anything."

I went on to only apply to five colleges I was sure I'd get in, no "reach" schools, and then I decided on the mid-level of pretentiousness between the five, because I didn't want to ever feel like the dumbest person in the room. I had grown to love math in my last two years of high school, so I fine-tuned my life plan to become a math teacher. Being a math major was not that hard. For me, it was easier to learn mathematical processes than to read and analyze history or literature or social theories.

Then I went to grad school. Again, I only applied to schools I knew I'd get in. And I chose the school that looked more appealing just because it's in Nashville. Even though it cost 4x as much as the other school, I was "prepared" to take on a mountain of student loans (that's another When-I-Was-a-Dummy post in itself).Grad school classes weren't really that hard. In fact, they were easier than undergrad. But then I got thrown to the piranhas school children.  Teaching is the hardest thing anyone can ever imagine. Every day you have to crawl inside the brains of a hundred kids and convince them to grow. Every day you are the enemy of several parents who insist you are not good enough for their perfect angel. Every day you are judged by administrators who are worried sick about test scores.

I graduated by the skin of my teeth, narrowly missing falling into a back hole of, "I can't do it... it's way too much... I think I actually died four days ago."

Skipping the most dramatic part of my story, we'll leave it at this: I have mad respect for public school teachers. It is the hardest job on the planet. I cannot do it. You are all amazing. 

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