Self Care

My Goals from this past week:
1. Eat two vegetables a day: C+ I ate a salad every single day, and another vegetable about half the time, but for the most part I failed at getting two veggies in. It was so easy to come up with excuses. ("Oh I packed a vegetable medley for lunch, but everybody's going out for Mexican food for a coworkers birthday"... you know what I mean)

2. Read 4 more chapters of Blue Like Jazz: A The book it very interesting, and a light enough read that I don't get frustrated.

3. Play guitar 3 times, 20 minutes each: A My fingers hurt so badly but so goodly. 

My Goals for Feb 1- Feb 7:

1. Read 6 more chapters of Blue Like Jazz. There are 12 chapters left, and I want to finish it in two weeks.
2. Participate in the daily lettering/doodling challenge called #DNDchallenge by @bydawnnicole on Instagram. (Even days only: lettering, not doodling) I've never done a photo-a-day challenge or a hand-lettering challenge, and it just looks kinda fun. 
3. Finish up loose ends on this blog. I think I like blogging. When I set out with this daily project ahead of me it seemed daunting, but I actually enjoy it by now. So, I'm going to try to buy a domain name and polish up the website.
4. Get my fingers in shape. I loved playing guitar this past week, but would constantly need to take breaks from my aching fingertips. I'm going to keep playing, at least a few minutes every day, keep my fingernails trimmed and polished.

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