New Set of Keys

I have been avoiding writing this little blog post all day. But now my husband is on his way home from his softball game and he'll say, "Hey what's up? What'd you do while I was gone?" And I can't say, "Nothing," so I need to actually do something. The clock is ticking.

Last Week's Goals:
1. Eat more veggies. (B) This goal went okay. We ate a bunch of veggies and had plenty of veggie leftovers, but there were two days when we just ate Chinese chicken and rice, and no veggies, so that was a flop. 
2. Clean my car. (A) I'm impressed with myself. took all the boxes in my trunk to Goodwill finally, and I vacuumed the floor and mats pretty darn well. The outside is still nasty, but I wasn't really planning on tackling that this week anyway.
3. Write my posts ahead of time. (F) I didn't get any posts written ahead of their actual posting date. 

This Week's Goals:
In honor of moving week, and finally getting to see our new apartment, I searched for a stock photo of keys, and most of them were of old-timey skeleton keys, which really tickled me for some reason and I can't explain why. I guess I briefly imagined moving into a medieval cellar or something like that. 

1. Pack, Pack, Pack. This Saturday we get the keys to our new apartment! Finally! We're pumped but I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed by all our stuff. 
2. Reorganize and purge my craft supplies. Normally I'm not toooooo bad of a pack rat. But when it comes to craft supplies, I have the hardest time throwing stuff away. Right now my supplies are taking over our computer desk and I have a big overflowing box in a spare bedroom. I need to pair it down to one good small organized stash.
3. Set up Gas, Electricity, Internet. This chore has been looming over us for a while, and now we actually have to do it. We need to get the basics set up in our apartment to make sure it's livable. 

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