Three Things I Would Tell My 15-Year-Old Self

This post is inspired by Kelli's "Three Things Thursday" post last week. I loved it and I'm going to try my hardest not to copy her exact same three things.

1. Stop spending money on dumb things. Choose outings that will be memorable with your friends, clothing that will last at least three years, gas in your car, and save the rest. Stop spending on $7 chicken fingers and fries at school. Stop spending $50 on a shirt from American Eagle that you won't wont dare wear next season. Save some stinking cash. 

2. Don't worry about college. Concentrate on getting A's and B's right now, and you'll get into several colleges, and you will literally love any one that you attend. College decisions don't matter. Any accredited college will give you a good education, and you'll find your own friend group, and God will get you in the right career path. 

3. Let your hair be natural every once in a while. Straightening your shoulder-length or chin-length hair every morning practices disliking your own body. It wastes an extra thirty minutes of sleep, you're damaging the ends, and sometimes you accidentally look like Coconut Head.

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