You Have What You Feed

Happy Tuesday! Maybe you could use a pep talk...

There's a lot in you. Confidence, anxiety, compassion, laziness, curiosity... Every single one of those is appropriate in moderation at certain points in time. Each one of those can make you bonkers if you let it take the driver's seat in your life. The good news is, whether you believe it or not, you actually have complete control over how much time and attention you give to each of your emotions, and character traits.

You can be mindful of where your energy is spent. You can choose how to balance each awesome part of your personality. If you feed your anxiety with extra thoughts, time, energy, it'll grow big and strong. Let it starve for a little while. If you feed your curiosity with extra thoughts, time, and energy, it'll grow big and strong, which is totally awesome.

Sometimes you might feel like you really can't control your emotions or how you feel. Sometimes the simplest act like looking in the mirror can help you calm down and redirect your thoughts, dispensing your time and energy to whatever you decide is worthy of it.

Whatever you feed grows. Whatever you starve diminishes. Be mindful to keep a balance. You CAN find a balance.

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