The S-H- Word

I was playing Lincoln Logs with two girls, one in Kindergarten and one in 3rd grade. It always feels like a little bit of a personal victory when I can get two kids from different age groups to have fun together. But also it can present its own set of problems.

Older Girl points across the room at another girl her age, "She's a really bad kid. She said the S-H word." I try to quickly change the subject. Older girl gets a coy smile, realizing I'm uncomfortable. She asks Younger Girl, "Do you know the S-H- word?"

Younger Girl figures out that it's something bad, and looks at me silently pleading for help. I step in, "It's not important and it's certainly not appropriate for church. You don't need to repeat bad words, ever."

Older Girl won't take no for an answer. "I'll give you a hint... it means shhhh---" She drags out the noise and revels in how anxious it makes me that she's about to say a curse word to a Kindergartener. I ask her to please stop and not teach bad words to others. Older girl continues, "Shhhh.... shhhhhh."

Kindergartener is hooked. She looks at me and says, "What's the bad word?"
I am about to reply, "It's a very naughty word that means poop."
But Older Girl interrupts me, "It's Shut Up. Oops, I said it! It means shh."
Oh thank God.

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