Three Places on my Bucket List

Traveling is fun, exciting, exhausting, and expensive... but definitely fun to daydream about! Brian and I have talked about some dream vacations we'd love to do one day... One realistic list and one not so realistic.

Places we will are determined to visit together, one day:
1. The Grand Canyon

I've only seen pictures, and I've heard that pictures can't eve do it justice. I took a geology class in college and we watched a documentary that followed a bunch of geologists on a journey around the Grand Canyon. It looked great but I wouldn't want to be "roughin' it" like they did.

2. New York City
I went to NYC once when I was in 7th grade with my youth group but we would love to actually see the place without an agenda that was predetermined by my choir director! Also since we love The Mindy Project, each week we are reminded of how cool it would be to visit. 

3. Clearwater Beach (again)
Our honeymoon was soooooo nice. In November, we loved our cottage and the empty beach and nice weather and nonexistent lines at Busch Gardens. We will go again, hopefully on an anniversary trip one year, since November was perfect for it. 

Places we can DREAM about visiting together:
1. Santorini, Greece

It's so pretty I want to see it in person.

2. New Zealand
Brian loves this idea but I don't love the idea of that much jet lag!

3. Myan ruins
We both too Spanish classes in high school and college, in which we were forced to learn history of Spain and central America... so these ancient ruins would actually be super cool for us to see.

Where would be your dream vacations!?

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